It’s most normally called a “mid-life crisis.” It can take the form of purchasing a sports car, getting a new dangerous hobby, or acquiring a new and usually exotic relationship. On rare occasions we might decide to make a mid-life career move. Some would say I’m having a mid-life crisis. I like to think of it as a mid-life pivot.
I don’t feel like I’m in crisis. I didn’t buy a sports car. I am not getting a younger girlfriend. I probably won’t do any skydiving. (did that once and it was amazing!!) And I really don’t think at 49 I’m at mid-life. (Because by the time I’m 100 we will be living into our 120’s with ease and comfort.) But I’m making a significant pivot in my career. This year I took a hard right turn, some would even call it a 180.
I’m in the people development business. I like helping people become better. I enjoy inspiring people to grow to their next level of potential. I have skills, tools, and gifts to help humanity evolve. I spent 30 years of my life doing all those things in one singular venue. This year I decided to begin a new adventure.
So I transitioned the organization that I founded 14 years ago, quit my job, took a little time to rest, restore, re-create, and dream of a new future for my life and my family. You should have seen all the strange looks when people would ask about my next steps and I told them, “I am going to begin a new life adventure and I have no idea what it is.” People don’t like to watch others step off a cliff. We don’t have good tools to deal with that.
But I knew the only way to step into the new thing that was ready to emerge in me was to step boldly into an uncertain future and close the door on the former chapter of my life with no option to return. Bye-Bye familiar, known, comfortable, safe. I have to go now. It’s my time to grow and you have been a fun and rewarding chapter, but it’s time to write a new one.
What you are reading is that new adventure. My intention is to help people from a new platform. One that is virtual and multifaceted. I want to add value to readers, listeners, followers, and casual fans. I want to inspire you to change, grow, become, evolve. I want to equip you with tools to make your life work better. I want to help change the lens of life to enable a clarity in life – job, relationships, money, spirituality, purpose, meaning.
I’ll use my words in print, on a podcast, on a video, or in a webinar – I’ll use my words to help you connect with new ways of living that maximize your full potential. I’ll use my experiences to invite you to a new path of engaging this beautiful gift of life. I’ll use my current journey as a model for pursuing a great life – not a perfect one, not one free from challenges, not a plastic one – but a life that is real, relaxed, full, intentional and deep with meaning.
So if you want to pursue a life marked by meaning, if you desire to live out a powerful internal purpose that animates every day, if you want to grow, shift, become, connect with your true self, and make the world a better place by making your life better – let’s go! I look forward to our journeys, discoveries, surprises, treasures, gifts, and blessings that sharing life will bring. Thanks for coming along with me. I’m honored that we can travel part of our lives together.
P.S. I don’t have all of the answers about this journey, actually more questions. But I’ve come to know that the right questions give me direction to the best path, even if they actually open up more questions.
I am ALL IN! I had some doubts about something this morning and just by reading about your adventure, those doubts seemed to have slipped away already. I know I am equipped, thanks for reminding me.